In the traditional definition, the new energy cabinet is the carrier of network equipment, servers and other equipment in the data center computer room, such as user rented servers, host managed servers. With the rapid development of Internet technology and the development of the data center, has the use of the new energy cabinet in the data center computer room changed? Some manufacturers specializing in data center products have given new energy cabinets more functions in response to the current development status of data center data center s. Let's learn about the three new uses of new energy cabinets in data centers together!

Una Save energy consumption in the computer room
Usor solvit sequentem problemam: propter calorem generatum a communicationibus equipis dum operatio, multam calorem intra cabinetum accumulat, quod stabilem operationem equipentiae influent. The intelligent air supply cabinet can adjust its configuration as needed to adapt to the situation of each cabinet, including installation quantity, air conditioning, power supply, wiring and other infrastructure requirements, thereby avoiding unnecessary waste, saving initial investment and energy consumption, and bringing greater value to users.
Valor novorum energetiarum cabinetorum etiam in multifacile suportatione equipentium reflexit. Generally speaking, traditional cabinets cannot accommodate all devices, such as servers. Quia si multa dispositiva installata fuerit, probabile est cabinet in loco supercalefacere, ut servi in cabineto extinguerent.
Each cabinet in the new energy cabinet solution is separate and can cool the equipment according to its own operating conditions, ensuring that the cabinet works completely normally. Hoc maxime praeceptum spatiorum computatorii servat et commodium firmae dimittit. Intelligent air supply cabinets can save about 20% of operating costs compared to ordinary cabinets, with significant energy saving effects.
II New energy cabinet with intelligent management function for cabinets
If the data center has high requirements for the operating environment and security of the cabinets, intelligent system cabinets are needed to meet the relevant requirements. Prima manifestatio intellectus diversificatio functionum monitorintis est:
1. Focus detectionis fumae
Installantes detectores fumorum intra intelligentem systemam cabineti, status ignis intelligentis systemae cabinetis detecta potest. In event of an abnormality inside the intelligent cabinet system, the relevant alarm status can be displayed on the display interface.
2. Temperatura et humilitas observantia
The intelligent cabinet system is equipped with a temperature and humidity detection device inside, which can intelligently monitor the temperature and humidity of the internal environment of the stabilized power supply system, and display the monitored temperature and humidity values in real time on the monitoring touch screen.
3. Dynamic output function of relay
When the intelligent cabinet system receives the pre-designed system logic linkage, it will send an on/off message to the DO channel of the hardware interface to drive the audio alarm, fan and other devices for operation.
4. Functiona inteligenta cooling
Users can set a series of temperature ranges for the regulated power supply system based on the temperature environment required for the operation of the equipment inside the cabinet. When the temperature inside the regulated power supply system exceeds this range, the cooling unit will automatically start working. 5. Functiona accessoris apparatus inteligentis
Sistema intellectus cabinetae potest accessere apparatus intelligentes inclusive metros intelligentes aut UPS provisiones potentias uninterruptabiles, et legit parametros datum adequas in real-time on the screen via RS485/RS232 communication interface and Modbus communication protocol
paper size Functione de detectione status systemae
The cabinet system itself has operational status and data collection warning LED displays, which can be intuitively displayed on the LCD touch screen with a beautiful, elegant and clear interface.
III Various appearances to enhance the overall aesthetics of the computer room
According to the 19 inch equipment installation width standard, many manufacturers have innovated the appearance of the cabinet. In addition, considering the appearance effect of cabinets in single installation and multiple installation environments, Dinglong Company has also added aluminum templates and added arc-shaped grid cabinets, bow shaped grid cabinets, concave convex grid cabinets, etc. on the basis of existing steel templates.