Quomodo punctum in stampionis mori installare?
Primus est auferre puteum electrici erosion is in holis plateae fixae pulveris convex moriens;
Fix rursum convexorum plateam et chambrom fixum (0.5-1.5) mm45 secundum periferiam caverni fusae. Dimensio chambrorum dependit de granditudine fortis funentionis in molo.
Chamfer edge convex in stampio moritur iuxta contour lineam circa 0,25mm45.
Use a fine sand strip or diamond file to finely grind the wire cutting marks on the edge of the punch in the stamping die, in order to facilitate the punch entering the fixed plate. The caul should leave a distance without repair, and its length should be slightly greater than or equal to the thickness of the fixed plate;
pone blocos altitudinis aequales altitudinem maiorem quam longitudinem convexi conflationis sub plate a fixa et tunc inserta convex conflatilem in platea fixa hoc delendum in pluribus gradibus dividetur When the convex can stand firmly in the fixed plate, the straightness between them should be measured. Then, when it enters 1/3 and 1/2, it should be measured separately. If any skewness is found, it should be corrected in a time and acknowledged before continuing. quando magnus est numerus molarum convexum aut minimus est scala solitudinem convexum convexum est et solitudinem convexum ad dirigam convexum
Stop pressing when the convex enters the fixed plate with a remaining length of 3-5mm at the end of the caud. Heate the edge of the convex mold caud end with an oxygen acetylene flame and quickly strike it with a small hammer to make the red part swollen; postquam frigidus factus est adprehendite omnes mollas convexus in locum fixum
Flactate tirum bloco altitudinis aequalem et utilite planinam inferiorem plateae fixentis in referentiam ad trahendam aeroplanum superiorem et finem convexentis simul
Base on the flat surface of the fixed plate, place the discharge plate on the convex molle, making the working surface slightly lower than the convex molle, and grind the chamber of the work section of the convex flat until the cutting edge is sharp.
This article is from EMAR Mold Co., Ltd. For more EMAR related information, please click on www.sjt-ic.com,