Adversistine eam antequam? CNC Machining center equipped with FANUCOI experienced abnormal spindle speed during the machining process, and the system displayed unstable speed, sometimes fast and sometimes slow. EMAR Precision Technology is committed to CNC ultra precision machining with 18 years of experience. We share effective solutions with you.
1,Preparation for spindle maintenance of CNC machining center
Abnormal spindle speed refers to the situation where the spindle speed feedback from the CNC machining center machine is not consistent with the commanded speed (usually less than the commanded speed) or the spindle does not rotate smoothly, resulting in abnormal "squeaking" sounds, sometimes fast and sometimes slow. In some cases, the motor may even trigger an overcurrent alarm. When the spindle of a CNC machine tool is fed back by an encoder, the speed command "S" given by the CNC machining center tool is followed by a number, and the value fed back to the system display is consistent. Discus principis spindle potest gubernare cingulum aut dispositionem vestimentorum esse. Hodie, plures ex eis ferrum cingulum synchronorum in unitate cingulum utilizat. Si velocitas abnormala est, forsitan sit quia installatio synchronoea multa longa est, causans cingulum diagonam et perditionem graduum. In ipso tempore connexio inter spindle et spindle encoder etiam sinchronam facit, et est etiam possibilia perditi in hac stagno. Poverta lubricatio spinduli aut ardentis omnium portantium spinduli potest causare excessive resistentiam in instrumento machinae, resultant in pauperum rotationem spindulum. And external signal intervention can also cause this phenomenon.
2,CNC machining center pre repair survey.
Centrus machinae solum in una direction movet dum operatio inactiva aut cambiat direction quando spindle velocitate est. Perditio velocitate spindle non est significatio, sed manifestius est cum cambiare direction dum velocitate movementi spindle aut succidere materiales, sublime in magnis profundis cutationis.
3 , Analyze the reasons
Signalus emissus ab systema CNC machininga centro ad spindle servo amplifier (converter frequences) inter transmissionem subiectus est,
2. Non stabile circuit voltage
3. Cicatrix synchronae, qui movetur ad spinam, multo longa aut gesta est, et pertransiens.
4. Cicatrix synchronae connectant spindle et spindle encoder nimis longus aut indutus est, causans secessionem.
5. Linea signala inter encoderem et servo amplifierem aut systemam inter interferentiam signorum externorum influentur.
6. Duo parietum, qui praeparant primam virgam, conburerunt.
7. Poor lubrication of CNC machining center spindle
4,Determine the steps to troubleshoot spindle errors in CNC machining centers
1. Use a multimeter to measure the electrical voltage of the CNC machining center. If the voltage is normal and other adjacent machine tools are working normally with the same power grid, then the reason for unstable voltage can be ruled out
2. Check that the lubricating oil level of the CNC machining center machine tool is within the normal working range, the lubrication system is working properly, and there are no oil leaks, open circuits, or other faults in the oil circuit. Eliminate lubrication related faults
3. Lubricatio non est problem a, potest propter pauperum portantem movendum esse. Quando currit cortina CNC machinatorium centrum spindle, utilis virgam longam (normale pulverem) ut pertineret finem contra proximam positionem cistis spindle, ubi portantem installatur, et alterum finem (maximum finem) ad aurem personis maintenantis, audientem sonum portantis dum operatio. Si non est sonus abnormal is, possibilia portantis causatis malfunctionis extinguere potest.
Si non est problema cum lubricatione centri machinae CNC, potest problema intra cista spindle iacere. Aperi cista spindle, controla connexionem synchronam inter motorum spindle et spindle, et presse cincturam inter duos pullos manum tuam ut ostendes quod tensionem adequatum est.
5. Non est problem a inter motorum machinae CNC spindle et cinerem synchronorum inter spindle. Verificantes cinerem synchronorum inter spindle et encoderem invenerunt quod cinerem synchronorum grave vestitum esset. Post replicationem illum novo cinerem synchronorum, apparuit systemam velocitatem spindle normalem esse, et culpa spindle centri CNC soluta est.