1,Purpose exercitus:
In order to enhance the fire safety awareness of all staff, respond to the requirements of the Guangdong Provincial Government, and the Shenzhen Municipality Government, in the construction of the "four abilities" of fire safety in social units, and ensure the effective achievement of the "four abilities", the company's safety committee authorizes the management department, at a regularly organize training for the main responsible persons of each department on fire safety knowledge and safety awareness, to instill the safety concept of fire safety while promoting a safe production. In order to further implement theoretical knowledge in practical applications, enhance employees' basic skills and fire safety skills and fire safety safety and safety safety safety.awareness in escaping dangerous situations, and enable all employees to understand the methods and ways of escape and mutual rescue, clarify the escape routes in case of various emergency accidents, and implement the responsibilities of each fire safety responsible person, the management department planned and organized the 2017-end fire safety drill.
2,Exercise preparation:
On the morning of December 26, 2017 at 9:45 am, a mobilization work was carried out for volunteer firefighters and all management personnel through a meeting, and specific role plays were subdivided. For the first time, confidentiality measures were implemented for handling emergencies. According to the requirements of the agreement, the exercise participants were evacuated as soon as they received the alarm information.
Haec exercitus in duas partes dividitur: unus est exercitus evacuation is emergenciae personelis, et alterus exercitus praecepta igne proelium est. The focus is on emergency evacuation drills to ensure that all employees can evacuate in order in the event of an emergency.
Mane ante exercitum, individuis ad mobilizationem facite diversa opus et explicate ignis responsabilitates et obligationes singulis voluntariis ignis brigadis et departmentis/workshop leader; Special emphasis was placed on emergency evacuation in response to unexpected events. Departments/workshops are not allowed to prepare for "escape" while waiting for work, and must evacuate suddenly under normal working conditions.
3,Exercise time: 17:00 on December 26, 2017.
4,Evacuation Exercise:
:: 9312;
● PM17:02:16 The deputy commander-in-chief of safety issued the fire alarm bell, and immediately the alarm sounds echoed throughout the factory. The heads of various departments (volunteer firefighters) responded quickly and issued the order to "stop production operations and evacuate personnel urgently" based on their understanding of fire warning knowledge and common sense;
● PM17:02 Membros evacuationis teamis voluntarii ignis brigadis secuti sunt praeceptas proceduras et apparuerunt in his respective positionibus secundum nominatos 'roles'; Membros electricalis et personnel maintenantiae ad primum commutationem potentiae quam celeriter est et "commutationem attulit" ut extingueret potentiam.
† PM17:02:18 † A group of CNC employees in the production department quickly "escaped" from the workshop and rushed towards the "safe assembly point";
● PM17:02:25 † Employees from the CNC Group 2 and Group 3 of the production department have gradually "withdrawn" from hazardous areas;
● PM17:02:30 † The second floor machining team successfully evacuated from the "danger zone" and headed straight to the "safe assembly point";
● PM17:02:32 Quality department employees and office staff on the third floor have started to evacuate safely;
● PM17:03:08
† PM17:04 † "Trapped personnel" were found shouting for help on the second floor, and volunteer firefighters carried out emergency "rescue" operations;
● PM17:05 † The exercise safety instructor summarized the exercise and provided on-site explanations of safety work theory training, detailing evacuation precautions.
5,Fire drill:
● PM17:15 † Instruktor securitatis explicavit omnibus operantibus interfectoribus interfectoribus pulveris sicci ABC typis. Enable all employees to understand the use of the most basic firefighting equipment;
● PM17:20 † Volunteer firefighters raised a raging fire with prepared combustibles on site and prepared to demonstrate firefighting techniques using fire extinguishers;
Sin Aegitationem Aegitationem Sin Aegitationem Sin Aegitationem Sin Aegitationem, et Aegitationem Sin Aegitationem Sin Aegitationem Sin Aegitationem Sin Aegitationem Sin Aegitationem Sin Aegitationem Sin Aegitationem Sin Aegitationem Sin Aegitationem Sin Aegitationem Sin Aegitationem Sin Aegitationem Sin Aegitationem Sin Aegitationem fugit in Aegitationem et in Aegitationem Aegitationem Sin Aegitationem fugit in Aegitationem et in Aegitationem Sin Aegitationem et in Aegitationem Sin Aegitati..." The white fire extinguishing agent instantly extinguished the previously "arrogant" flame, leaving only burns of white smoke.
● PM17:22 † cum vidissent operatores hoc scenam, omnes desiderabant probare. Omnes novas operatores et qui non utilissent ignem extinguentes arma in hoc pugna praecepta proelio participabant. Exacta lauda est mulieribus qui non sunt inferior ad omnes masculos in respondentibus ad emergencias et qui praeceperunt scientias ignobilii
● PM17:22 † Plus quadraginta agentes portabant ignem extinguentes et festinabant ad ignitiam punctum eagerly. Scientes extinguerunt pluginam et linguas suas repetitis cum attingerent ignitiam punctum. "Chup~Chup..." albus pulverem extinguentem agentem flammas extinguit. Post 'ignem ardentem' iterum ignem extinguisset, sequentes 'firefighters' festinaverunt ante faciem et extinguerunt ignem utilis rectam methodom ut non disperseret.
:: 9317; The newly added fuel was reignited, and the flames rose more than 2 meters high. However, a fire extinguisher failed to extinguish them in time, causing bursts of laughter from the employees.
●9318;The actual firefighting exercise ended after a brief drill.
PM17:45 Safety Commander Sun gave on-site instructions for the fire drill and put forward safety work requirements for all employees.
† PM17:48 † Instruktor securitatis annunciavit terminum ignis et omnem personalem disbandum.
Through this fire drill, all employees have gained an understanding of evacuation techniques for emergency situations, especially basic fire extinguishing equipment and its usage methods and essentials. They have also learned about simple self rescue methods for responding to fires, which has improved their practical experience.
7,Summary and improvement:
Commendation for:
Quod 9312;Haec exercitus sine priora notitia exercitus est, et omnes persones evacuati sunt in tantum 52 secundas;
:: 9313; In evacuatione, omnes operatores cito responderunt et fecerunt eam quasi rex 'periculum' ante evacuationem;
:: 9314; Capites each department/workshop have effectively promoted safety awareness, and employees have a thorough understanding of evacuation routes, enabling them to quickly escape the "danger" through the correct escape route.
Dominus Sol omnis praeceptor salutis adprehendit praesentiam et magnam gravitatem ad opus salutis adprehendit.
:: 9316; Omnes agentes, sublime novas mercedes, magnam enthusiasm ad partitionem et in operationibus praeceptas participes fecerunt.
●9312;The rescue mission was not completed in one go.
●9313;During the evacuation process, some employees did not behave rigorously and exhibited some playful behavior.
●9314;An operation drill on the use of fire hydrants is not conducted, and it will be added in the next drill.
Departus administracionis

Pre exercitus mobilizatio convenientia

Water and electricity group (maintenance) pull down the main power switch

Ex primo, secundo et tertio flumina evacuate operatores velociter

Employees in the first, second and third floors are gradually evacuating to a "safe location"

Employees who fled the 'danger zone' rushed to a safe location to collect and found 'trapped persons' calling for help

The safety commander-in-chief is anxiously waiting to see if the personnel have safely evacuated and gathered. The security team is organizing the team and counting the personnel situation

doctor salutis explicat utilitatem extinguentium ignis et praeceptor salutis adnuntiant utilitatem extinguentium ignis

postquam praepositus est sapientias, omnes desiderantur pugnare et pugnare

Feminae non sunt inferior, feminae colleagae activo participient

solliciti ante faciem periculi primum esse audere

propter salutem familiae nostrae non revertemur usque ad faciem periculi magni

Principe adnuntiat omnem virgam vitae scientiae et quia momenti critical sunt vitae et mortis