Quid tecnologia militiae est?
Miling machine is a widely used machine tool that can machine flat surfaces, grooves, spiral surfaces, and various curved surfaces. It can also be used for rotating surfaces, inner hole machining, and cutting operations.
Principulus operantis militiae processionis est installare pecuniam operantis super tabulam operantium, cum rotationem militiam quam primam motionem et auxiliarum fertilium caput militiae, ut opera potest superficiem machiniae necessarii accipere.
Due multi edge intermittent cutting of milling, milling machines have high productivity in machining ceramics. However, in the precision machining process of ceramics, defects such as pits or small cracks on the surface of the ceramic may occur due to mechanical stress. At present, the main methods to improve the quality of ceramic precision machining are through researching new cutting tools, selecting suitable cutting fluids, optimizing cutting feed rates and quantities, and other technical parameters.