In processione et fabricatione partium stampionis metallorum, multi fluctus procedentium est ut produceret eas. Sed, si modicum errore est in operatione dum processo, facile est causare defectus, sicut fracta partium stampionis metallorum, quae ad usum utilizationis produktoris influent. Respondente hoc problemam, precision EMAR analyzat causas fragentis laboris hodie pro te:
Partibus metallis

1. Excessive local tensile stress
During the stamping process of Metal Stamping parts, due to excessive local tensile stress, they are affected by internal stress and external impact, resulting in significant local expansion deformation and cracking.
2. Parametri processus formationis incorrecte non sunt implementi.
In processo formationis laboris, processus requirit ut concave moriatur, pressing core, et duas partes tightly adheretur simul. Quando diagramma punch descendit, deformatio plasticae metallis pressi effectus est ut formatur. Sed, techniciae processationis machinam temporale adjustare non sunt secundum praecepta procedentis, resultant in unstable operation and cracking of the metal stamping parts.
3. Design defects in the flanging forming die
The mold is a dual cavity and the left/right parts are universal, because this process includes not only flanging, but also shape forming content. Moreover, the parts are particularly complex, the bending surface is narrow, and the forming requirements of the concave mold core are consistent with the forming surface, resulting in large forming stroke and small pressing area of the mold structure, and cracking phenomenon.
Partibus metallis

4. Utrum oleo pulsere non valet.
Stamping oil mainly serves to isolate the mold and metal stamping parts during the stamping process. However, using non specialized oil such as rapesed oil, mechanical oil, recycled oil, etc. can cause scratches and burrs on the workpiece due to the instantaneous rupture of the oil film during the stamping process, leading to serious problems such as cracking of metal stamping parts and damage to the mold.