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Quid est significatio picturae superficie ad fabricationem metallis?
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Quid est significatio picturae superficie ad fabricationem metallis?

Release time:2024-11-26     Number of views :

Quid est significatio picturae superficie ad fabricationem metallis? Shenyang sheet processing metallic manufacturer explains to you: The painting process on the surface of sheet metal is of great signification for Sheet Metal Processing, and surface painting has a protective effect on sheet metal. Sheet metalla chassis, cabinets, equipment casings etc. are exposed to the air and will not oxidize under the protection of the paint layer, so they will not rust and have water-proof and rust proof properties. Sheet metal processing generally selects suitable materials based on the characteristics of the products that need to be processed. Sheet metal processed products are mostly qualitative, so materials and products are also easily corresponded. Methus metallus generale multos materiales utilizat, et precise est, quia metallus metallus diversos materiales habet et proceduras processentes, quod non est definitio metallis lapidis accura.

Processus pinturae aspersionis generale quattuor gradus habet: primum, tracta layer basis, postea apply layer primitiae, postea adde layer pinturae intermediae, et ultimo apply layer surface. Infra sunt characteristica singulorum graduum.

1. Grassroots treatment. Laera base fabricationis fabricationis metallorum funebuntur in removo rustis, sicut sandblasting, phosphatio, etc.

2. Primus. Primium epoxiae cinca dives, quod in manibus metallis utilitur, prima est ut protegeret structuras steelas et productiones steelas et prohibetur rustum. Et vestimentum eius habet bonam proprietatem physicam et chemicam, facile est applicare, et habet bonam proprietatem. Primae componentes sunt: epoxy resin, epoxy curing agent, zinc pulvere, anti rust pigment, additives et solventes.

Quid est significatio picturae superficie ad fabricationem metallis?(pic1)

3. Pictura intermediata. The sheet metal processing products use epoxy cloud iron intermediate paint, which is used in conjunction with epoxy zinc rich primer as a long-term anti-corrosion coating transition layer. Its function is to enhance the sealing and anti-corrosion properties of the composite coating, and it can also be used as an anti-corrosion and anti rust primer. Fortis et difficilis vestibus cum bonis adhesionibus et signationibus et habet bonam conpatibilitatem in fronte et rea vestibus. Componentes eius sunt: resina epoxia et curatores, oxide ferrum portantes et antipigmentum rustum, etc.

4. Surface layer. Multae typi picturae asphalti sunt, quae ad superficiem layer utilizatur, inclusive epoxy asphalt topcoat, topcoat de ligno chlorinata, topcoat acrylicum et polyuretanum, topcoat fluorocarbon etc.

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