What are the specific problems that the Metal Stamping factories encounter when processing metal stamping parts, big and small? Let me explain briefly:
1. Fenomenes pauperes, sicut adhesio aut scratc super superficiem partium et molarum metallorum propter frictionem inter materialem et convex aut molas concave;
2. Ocurrentia flammarum in processione fabricatorum metallicorum causa est in principio inter interrumpam morientem et interrumpam morientem et interrumpam, quando inter angulos sectionis magnus aut parvus est interrumpam.
3. Est objecti alieni in linea dissipationis, cum ferro filiis, rubro, pulvere, et aliis impietatibus, qui inducent turbas et deprecationes. Due uneven stress, poor matching of stretching ribs, or poor control of the pressure slider, the R corner or embossed area of the workpiece may experience twisting and bending;
5. Wrinkles: Wrinkles on the edges or R area caused by poor adjustment of the press slide, low accuracy of the press, inappropriate adjustment of air cushion pressure, or large punch or R area;
6. Lineae offset: During the processing and forming of the workpiece, the part that comes in contact with the metal stamping mold is squeezed in a line or similar.
Hardware stamping factories can analyze these issues to find prevention methods and solutions. Perditiones maxima reddere potest.
This article is from EMAR Mold Co., Ltd. For more EMAR related information, please click on www.sjt-ic.com,