aestus cum sol ardentibus faenum crescentem et volucrem volantem altum pugnantem spiritum fortem vitalitatem et fructum abundantiam
We EMAR people tasted the taste of our big family being tested during the two-day expansion trip, and we were deeply touched. What we left behind for each of our families was proud and honor, deep reflection and introspection, as well as touching and nostalgic moments

The two-day team expansion training and tourism activities at Yinxian Mountain Villa were spent in a tense yet relaxed, serious but lively atmosphere. In terms of the expansion training projects, ice breaking, 99 second countdown, trust back drop, trackless train, graduation wall, etc., each activity had extraordinary significance and greatly benefited every family member.

99 second countdown

Trackless train

Trust Fall

Graduation Wall
Through this expansion training experience, members of the EMAR family have become even more united. When facing various difficulties and challenges, the cohesion, mutual care, mutual motivation, and mutual tolerance of the family have elevated our family culture.
Expansio est modo curriculum, experimentum realizationem est. Præceptum est quod nos EMAR homines metodes didicimus, aliquid in vita intelleximus, per testes psychologicas et physiologicas, et optimum intellegentiae, difficile et superpassionis nostrae possumus. EMAR homines quoque certant ad maximum objectivees suos.
Through training, EMAR's family members have also come to a clear understanding that the value created by a team is not simply the sum of individual achievements, but rather the value jointly created by the team through resource sharing, information communication, and resource restructuring. This value far exceeds the sum of individual achievements. In the development and growth of the EMAR family, family members embrace differences, support each other, learn from each other's strengths and weaknesses, constantly improve, and truly build a team with "iron discipline and family responsibility"

Si primus dies doctrinae 'fusione sanguinis' est, secundus dies viae 'collisio cordis'
Nefes alma senaryası ve sonsuz eğlence, Yinxian Mountain Villa'daki EMAR ailesinin üyeleri için bir sürü gülüm ve mutluluk bıraktılar.
In each playful face, there were smiles of happiness from the big family

Familia's Smile
Under the leadership of Mr. Changsun, all the family members are fully enjoying the passion that summer brings to EMAR. On the banks of the blue waves and on the top of the green mountains, they not only feel the stretching of emotions, but also the interweaving of souls and hearts.

Ferentes super saltum 'sparri'

Memorantes gaudium infantiae
Quod est plus familia quasi picnic meridie, ubi verba seniorum concise sunt et ad punctum - "Octavi immortali Cross the Sea, Show Their Skills". Sichuan, Hunan, Guangdong, et Jiangxi styli plateae sunt familiae singulis per singulos, cuta, patting, weighing, and flicting them skillfully and neatly, omnes ostendentes versatibilitatem familiae EMAR

In processo praeparans plateas delicias

Poculos pulchros ex virginibus scientibus veniunt
Two short yet compact days of gathering together allowed EMAR's family to overcome difficulties and obstacles one by one, such a loving and supportive family, such a silently dedicated family, such a family with unlimited potential, such a multi talented family, a family united with one heart, a common goal, and never give up until the goal is achieved. Through hard work, persistence, tacit understanding, patience, cooperation, and tolerance, EMAR's family overcame one difficulty after another and exchanged songs of joy and laughter
Kalp yakındır, emotionler daha derin
Flores amicitiae, civilizationis, et amicitiae, qui florant in familia EMAR, cum omni membro familiae communicabuntur.
semita EMAR erit stabilior, firmior, amplius et longitudinis