Aluminium alloy is the most widely used non-ferrous metal structural material in industry. Widely used in industries such as aviation, aerospace, automotive, machinery manufacturing, shipbuilding, and chemical engineering. Alluminium habet characteres minimae densitatis, altae fortitudinis, et prope aut alta quam alta qualitate steela est. Est excellenta plasticitate et in diversis profilis processetur. Est excellenta conductivitate, conductivitate thermae, et resistentia corrosionis. In industria amplius utilitur, secundum tantum ferrum in aplicationibus suis.
1. Processing of aluminum alloy parts, also known as CNC Machining, automatic lathe machining, CNC lathe machining, etc.
(1) General machine tools such as automobiles, milling machines, planers, drilling machines, and grinders process mold parts, and then perform necessary fitter repairs and assemble them into various molds.
(2) For mold parts with high precision requirements, it is difficult to ensure high machining accuracy with ordinary machine tools alone, so precision machine tools are needed for processing.
(3) In order to automate the processing of mold parts, especially complex shaped punches, concave holes, and cavities, and reduce the workload of fitter maintenance, it is necessary to use CNC machine tools (such as 3D CNC milling machines, machining centers, CNC grinders, etc.) to process mold parts.
2. Stamping processing of aluminum alloy parts.
Stamping est procedus formationis qui exercitur fortitudinem exteriorem ad plateas, stripas, tubas, et profiles per pressionem et molam, ut deformationem plasticam aut separationem faceret, ut desideratum formam et granditudinem opus acciperent. Stamping forming is a production process that utilizes the power of conventional or specialized stamping equipment to directly subject the sheet metal to deformation forces and deformations in the mold, thereby producing product parts with a certain shape, size, and performance. Tabulae metallis, molae et arma tres elementi sunt in processione pulchritudinis. Stamping is a processing method of metal cold deformation, so it is called cold stamping or sheet metal stamping, abbreviated as stamping. Una est de principibus manibus processionis plasticae metallorum.
In addition to the processing and forming of aluminum alloy parts, the processing of aluminum alloy parts also involves surface treatment processes, including anodizing, electroplating, etching, etc. Multi manibus processionis.