Seleccio materiarum est gradus crucial in processione partium aviation is precisiorum, quoniam directo effectum, securitatem et omnem operationem aviationis influent. 2. Lightweight: In order to reduce the overall weight of the aircraft, improve fuel efficiency and performance, materials should be as easy as possible. Materiales facile diminunt consummationem energiae dum volatur, cum sufficientam structuram fortitudinem conservant. 3. High temperature stability: Aircraft generate high temperature during high-speed flight, so materials need to have good high-temperature stability to avoid deformation, melting, or performance degradation in high-temperature environments. 4. Resistentia corozionis: Componentes aviationis extremas atmosferiis multo tempore exposuntur et oportet resistere erosionem diversorum substantiarum chemicalorum. Therefore, the material should have good corrosion resistance to ensure the long-term service life of the parts. 5. Good machining performance: In order to meet the requirements of precision machining, materials should have good cutting, grinding, and forming properties in order to manufacture high-precision and high-quality aviation parts. 6. Economia and environmental friendliness: While meeting performance requirements, material selection also needs to consider economy and environmental friendliness. Selecting materials that are cost-effective, easily accessible, and have minimal environmental impact can help reduce production costs and minimize environmental pollution. Materiales communes quae ad partes aviationis processantur includent alta potentia alloys aluminium, alloys titanium, materiales compositos, etc. Haec materia non solum praecepta sunt, sed etiam ipsa unica avantia habent, quasi alta fortitudo, minima densitate, excellenta corrosio resistentia, et alta temperatura stabilita. In addition, with the continuous advancement of technology and the rapid development of the aviation industry, new materials such as nanomaterials and ceramic based composite materials are gradually being applied in the processing of aviation parts, providing more possibilities for the performance and safety of aircraft.