Instrumenta maxima communa et essential a in fabrikis pulserum est, quam in singulis pressibus est pulserum, ut procederet diversas formas pulserum. Pro necessitate tonnae pulserum calculare, necesse est magnitudinem pulserum pulserum confirmare. Prius planare omnem multum molarum prioritatem dabitur ad calculandum tonnae ut non impletam punctionem propter insufficientem tonnae evaderet.
The tonnage of the punch press is mainly related to the force required for stamping. Punching has punching force, and pulling also has pulling force. If the tonnage is not sufficient, the pulling will not be in place.
Elegantibus machinas punching, pulsantibus inductoribus punching forces, unloading force, bending force, and top rod force of the entire set of molds, multiplicate by a safety factor of 1.3, and the selected punching machine tonnage should be greater than or equal to this result to ensure rationality. Let's look at a formula below: F=LT σ bf
1. L referit ad longitudinem longitudinis anguli sectionis. Exemplo, si fluxus quadraticus punctus est, longitudo longitudinis anguli eius longitudinis quattuor laterum rotae quadraticorum est circumferentia eius.
2. T referit to the thickness of the material, which is the same as above in millimeters, and f is the punching coefficient, usually taken as 1.3;
3. σ b referit to the tensile strength of the stamped plate material.
Resultat obtained by multiplying the above several factors in a stamping factory is the punching force, but the unit is in newtons. To convert it to tons, divide by 9800 to obtain the basic tonnage. Then, considering the safety margin of punching and the force required for unloading, pushing, and other operations, divide this tonnage by a coefficient of 0.7 to obtain the tonnage of the machine tool.
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