Laser cutting machines are widely popular in the processing industry due to their cutting characteristics, which leads to a large number of customer inquiries about various issues related to laser cutting machines. Among them, material consumption accounts for the majority. Today, Shenyang laser cutting manufacturers will talk about this issue for everyone.
Tres speciosa prima sunt ex laserorum machinis, id est laserorum tubas, reflectores metallos, et oxygenum aut gasum nitrogenem.
When laser cutting machines are used to cut metals, oxygen or nitrogen auxiliary gas needs to be added to achieve slag free cutting of metal. Si non-metallic is materiae, sicut folia acrylicia, necesse est, lentes focus replaci, quae melius est laser tubam utilizati.
Et propter hoc mentionatum est supra quoniam laserorum tubae sunt materiae consumabiles, quia post aliud tempore utilis, function a laserorum tubarum infirmare incipiet et ultimo non potest usare. Lentes telefocatores melior poterunt materiales claudicatores claudicatores secere. Saying these is to enable customers who use laser hybrid cutting machines to save on material consumption costs, and also to perform metal and non-metal cutting, improving cutting efficiency and speed.

Quantum oxygenum aut nitrogum consumitur quando metallum secant? Continuous processing, usually with a standard bottle of oxygen or nitrogen, can take 3 to 4 hours for processing. Si 60m per horam currere potest, tunc botella oxygeni aut nitrogenae 180m usque 240m procedere potest.
If we further subdivide it, a cutting material with a circumference of 50cm would result in 360 to 480 workpieces. And a bottle of oxygen or nitrogen, with a market price of 20 yuan per bottle, and further divided, the cost of oxygen consumption is basically a normal consumption. So, for the oxygen consumption of this laser hybrid cutting machine, its cost is very low and can be basically ignored when divided into individual workpieces.
So, when purchasing a laser cutting machine, the cost of consuming materials can be basically ignored. Quia si laser tuba pluribus milibus yuan costat, vita servitutis eius long a est, et cum pariter dividitur, basically nulla costa est. Non mentionare minimo consummatio oxygeni costis.
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