1. Optimize design of stamping die technology. The design of stamping dies directly affects the use of stamping raw materials and plays a very important role in the quantity of stamping raw materials used by hardware stamping enterprises. Pro hoc, firmae metallici stampionis probabunt problemam materiae raw in processo stampionis fabricationis, et constantly optimizare design of stamping mold processes from the perspective of saving raw materials. Metodo specifica est sicut:
(1) Change the shape of stamped parts. Multi partes current Metal Stamping moldes quadraticos utilizat, quae non solum materiales raw conservare conducive, sed etiam pulchritudine produkti non conducive est. Si mola trapezoidal a utilizata est, non solum multa materia raw salva potest, sed etiam productum pulchriores videre facit. (2) Use computers to sort parts. Under traditional parts sorting methods, many product components cannot be effectively connected together, and once the parts cannot be used, it is also a form of waste of raw materials. Si computatores ad partes effectively sorterent, errore connexio inter componentes significantem reducetur, sic reducetur perditio materialum raw. (3) Increase the utilization rate of stamping waste. Nequamquam similitudinem modeli pro partes stampionis metallorum utilizatur, aliquid solitudines generabitur. Quomodo ad efficientem utilizationem materiae wastorum actum est in administracione materiae crudelium stampionis metallorum industrium. If metal stamping enterprises can effectively use the material to manufacture smaller product components, the effect of reducing raw material costs will be greatly enhanced. 2. Reduce negotiationem costum firmorum metalorum. In concordatione firmorum metalorum, proportio procurentium costum 70%. Ex hoc, possumus videre importantiam negotiationis potentiae stampionis metallorum pro pretio firmorum. Procedentem costum administracionis, corporates multam significantiam accipiant opinionibus, minimare negotiationes costas, et minimare costas materialum crudelium pro partibus imprentationis in firmis hardware. Specific reduction methods can be carried out from the following aspects: (1) Establishing sound data support. The procurement department of metal stamping enterprises should conduct in-depth research on the suppliers of raw materials for various metal stamping parts, understand their product performance, quality, and price, compare different suppliers of a product, find the differences, and improve the business bargaining power of metal stamping enterprises through sound data support, effectively reducing the bargaining cost of enterprises. In addition, metallic stamping companies should also choose the appropriate timing to buy raw materials according to market changes, ensuring the cost of raw materials for the company. (2) Adopting standardized procurement methods. Effective control of business negotiation costs and procurement costs is difficult to fix a specific way. On the one hand, market prices are constantly changing, and on the other, there are certain differences in product quality. Different suppliers can also cause differences in product prices. Therefore, metal stamping enterprises are prone to differences in the process of purchasing raw materials. Adopting standardized procurement methods can minimize product procurement differences, implement standardization of raw material specifications, and ultimately achieve cost reduction through economies of scale. 3. Continuously improve the utilization efficiency of stamping raw materials. If hardware stamping enterprises can effectively improve the utilization rate of stamping raw materials, they can effectively reduce the raw materials of stamping parts, thereby effectively reducing the production cost of the enterprise and improving the economic benefits of hardware stamping enterprises. Improving the utilization efficiency of stamped parts can be controlled and managed from the following aspects. (1) Metal stamping enterprises should continuously improve their production technology and utilize advanced production techniques to enhance the utilization efficiency of stamping raw materials. For example, many large metal stamping enterprises currently use laser welding technology, which has a significant impact on the utilization efficiency of stamping raw materials in metal stamping enterprises. It greatly improves the utilization efficiency of raw materials for stamping parts, and maximizes the savings of raw materials for metal stamping parts while ensuring the quality of stamping parts. (2) Continuously optimize the size of metal stamping parts and use the least amount of raw materials to make the most effective components. Regularly conduct in-depth analysis and modification of the drawings, dimensions, accuracy, and other elements of metal stamping parts, to fully use the effectiveness of metal stamping parts while reducing raw materials. Optimise iterum sortem fermentorum elementorum. Exemplo, superficie auxiliaris drawingis ad meliorem processum et diminundum granditudinem potest, ut reducatur utilitatem raw materialum. (3) Hardware stamping enterprises can improve the utilization rate of waste materials during the stamping process. Materium parvulum discartatum in qualque partes magnis factum est in parvulos partes, et solitudinem parvulum partes conflavere potest et in totos partes conflavere, quod tunc potest reusare ut meliorem universam utilizationem materiae crudelium pro partibus metallorum.