1. Strong work adaptability and flexibility, capable of processing different types and batches of tube sheets
2. Tabula tubae praeposita est, cum bona densitate et alta repeatabilitate precisa.
3. CNC Machining centers have high rigidity and good retention, which is conducive to long-term guarantee of machining quality.
4. Adopting numerical control processing method, automated processing with high processing efficiency. Tabulae lentes et densae tubae ad processionem utili sunt.
5. Precisio processionis ex necessitatibus suis dependet et usque ad 0,01mm attingere potest.
EMAR in 2006 fundata est et in Longgang Town, Longgang District, Shenzhen. We are a professional manufacturer specializing in CNC machining, CNC lathe machining, lathe machining, milling machine machining, and grinding machine machining.
We adhere to the principle of "precision quality, honest service" and have ten years of experience in mechanical processing. Dedicated to the production and processing of precision mechanical components, various precision structural parts, and fixtures.