2020 est anno extraordinari propter COVID-19. anno autem hac est anno difficile multitudinis Aemarae et anno messis multitudinis Through the entire year of 2020, under the leadership and support of Mr. Huang and the company's leadership, we overcame difficulties and closely focused on the revenue target set at the beginning of 2020. We seized opportunities and pursued development, and all employees worked together with tenacity and progress. Our achievements in all aspects have improved compared to last year.
Praeterito anno omnes membri firmae unificati sunt et laboraverunt difficile, pragmatica et nova, et semper adherent ad negotiationem filosofiam emissorum primum, artificium, teamolaborem, et resultatum orientatum; In opere cogitatio operationis cum nobilibus consentibus, conceptis universis, simul operantibus, et resultationibus.
With the arrival of the new year, EMAR Company held the 2020 year-end management review as scheduled. Mainly focusing on the work reports of various departments in 2020, internal system optimization, as well as the work plan and outlook for 2021.

1: The achievement of each department and the development direction of the company
(1) The growth target set for 2020 was 25%, but the actual growth was 37%, exceeding the target, and setting a sales target for 2021 to increase by 30%;
(2) The departments of production, quality assurance, development, and personnel have all increased compared to the data in 2019, but there are still some shortcomings that need to be overcome and improved;
(3) Diversified stamping products, micro motors, precision small holes, and acoustic component types have formed industry advantages;
(4) Continuously focusing on and investing in markets such as new energy power batteries, automotive connector components, and quick prototyping.
2: improvement of internal system improvement
(1) Regularly conduct 5S inspections on company dormitories and production workshops to comprehensively enhance the company's image;
(2) Exercitum technicam talentorum interiorum, additionem mechanismi interioris aestimationis et promotionis technicis, et improvinem universae dedicationis et enthusiasm agentium;
(3) Continuously promote and strengthen the company's rules, enhance awareness of standardized operations among personnel in various departments;
(4) According to market demand, enhance the company's competitiveness and introduce more management system certifications;
(5) Omnem departamentum minimo una sessione thematis per hebdomadem exercere debet et facit mercedem et punitivum mehānismum ut conduceret operatores ut habitem opus exercerent.

Finally, Mr. Huang Panfeng, the General Manager, made a speech: It is not easy to achieve such impressive results in 2020, thanks to the hard work and patience of all EMAR personnel. In anno 2020, gratifyum est facere objectos nostros, sed in ipso tempore, non oblivissimus defectus nostros. EMAR company adhuc plus difficiles habet. Omnem departamentum meliora mensuras facere debet, basis in deficientibus quae in revisione administracionis identificata sunt, et propter ordinem disveloppationem et realificationem diversorum opus promore debet. In 2021, omnes employees of the company should closely focus on the production and operation goals and tasks, continue to deeply and persistently maintain the execution and completion of the state.
EMAR personnel in 2021 laborabit difficile ut globale provider solutiones electricas stampionis fieret.