Although the precision stamping parts market in China is currently very complete and there are many varieties of precision stamping parts on the market, the supply of precision stamping parts in China exceeds demand, and the competition in the market is fierce. In addition, there are still some quality problems with China's hardware stamping parts.
1. Scratches on Metal Stamping parts
Prima causa scrutarum in partes sunt: pulverem acutam in fuscino aut pulverem metallem cadentem in fuscino. Measures preventive include grinding the scars on the mold and removing metal dust.
2. Cracking at the bottom of the component
The main reasons for cracking at the bottom of the parts are poor plasticity of the material or excessive compression of the mold edge ring. Metodo prevention is est substituere materiae meliore plasticitate aut dimittere angulum paululum.
3. In pariete lateralis componentis anguli sunt
Prima causa murorum lateris partium sunt: densitate materiae non potest reddere (etiam thinior quam minima densitate permissibile) aut eccentritia est dum installatur molda superioris et inferioris, resultat in spatio magna apertura ex uno latere et parva spatio apertura ex altero latere. Preventive measures include immediate replacement of materials and readjustment of molds.
4. Altitudo parterum non licet
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