Before 1990, China's Metal Stamping industry was still very weak, and most metal stamping factories were old-fashioned punching machines (those driven by side pulleys). In illo tempore semel visitavi fabricum pulsere et transferentia partibus adhuc portabant vectes et canistas With the further development of reform and opening up, more and more foreign funded enterprises have entered China, and various industries have a large demand for metal stamping parts. At that time, domestic metal stamping parts factories were far from meeting the demand in terms of both output and quality. As a result, many foreign-funded metal stamping factories have set up factories in China.
At that time, the better hardware stamping factories in China were mainly Singaporean and Japanese companies, and Taiwan's hardware stamping factories were considered the second tier. But now it's different. After nearly 20 years of development, our domestic metal stamping factories have taken the lead in continuous stamping, while stamping companies in Singapore and Japan only have left brand premiums.

Ex historia industriae stampionis domus, in tres stagis summarizabitur:
Prima etapa ab anno 1990 usque ad 2000 erat, tempus rapidis development, quod dicitur "capabilitate". In hoc periodo, defectus productionis capacitatis, cum gravis demandis superweighing supply. Foreign funded enterprises had an absolute advantage in mold making ability and technological level. Vendita in industria stampionis relativamente facile sunt facile facere. Customs bring drawings, and as long as the enterprise has the ability to do it, they are usually assigned. In this time, our domestic hardware stamping parts factories were in the learning and starting stage. Some private enterprises started their own businesses, starting with a punch press (molds can be opened by external companies), developing to two, three, one hundred..., and then developing their own mold technology centers. Multa fabrica magna metalla stampionis in hoc tempore aedificata sunt.
Secunda etapa est ab 2000 usque 2007, etapa plenae konkurentiae, quae vocatur "pretio" stadium. At this point, more and more hardware stamping parts factories are able to produce them, and the quality has greatly improved. Price competition valde fieria est. Si clientes ad quotationem et quotationem 1 yuan provident, cum alii companiae 80 centi quotent, est magna possibilia perdere hoc ordinem. et factum est pressio maior et prodigium inferior et industria moventis ferri sic facta est.
The third stage, after 2007, can be referred to as the "value" stage. Cur ab anno 2007 coepimus? Pro quod iPhone Apple hodie anno graduale hominibus intravit.

The emergence of iPhone has to some extent overturned people's values to products. Prius hoc Nokia erat rex absolus in industria telephonorum, et pretia inferior et inferior facta sunt, cum multis etiam telephonos offerent quasi dona gratia quando connectus est ad rete. Postquam iPhone advenit, pretio plus quadraginta iuana, omnes adhuc festinaverunt emere, manentes tarde et quequebant ut emerent. Hoc est manifestatio valoris. In terms of functionality and aesthetics, the iPhone is much stronger, and holding an iPhone makes it look particularly high-end.
At this point, after the customer inquires about the price, they will come to you to discuss why you quoted 1 yuan while others quoted 80 cents, what are the differences between your hardware stamping parts factory's technology and others', how do the differences between hardware stamping parts factories arise, and what benefits can you bring to this product if you are more expensive than others. Si satissima causa sunt, probabile etiam clientes a alto pretio emere.