The development of EMAR stamping parts manufacturers cannot be separated from the efforts of every employee. In continuo development of the company's business, many outstanding employees emere every quarter.

In the third quarter of 2020, all EMAR stamping parts manufacturers worked hard and tirelessly to achieve their performance, always practicing the company's core values and striving for the year-end goal!
To promote the positive energy of these partners and acknowledge their outstanding contributions during this period, EMAR stamping parts manufacturer held the 2020 Q3 Excellent Employee Selection.

In selection of outstanding employees in the third quarter of 2020, after preliminary screening, one colleague with particularly outstanding performance stood out among three colleagues and was awarded the honor of outstanding employee in the third quarter.
Praecipiamus et respiciamus optimos nostros operatores, sperantes ultra progressionem faciemus! At the same time, passing on one's own shining points to more colleagues, helping more people join the excellent workforce, and providing customers with better services, ultimately supporting the long-term stable growth of EMAR stamping parts manufacturers' business.

Assignamus excellentes agentes in parabolas, proeliamus pro excellentia in nostris positionibus, et addamus illos ad proximum gradum. Credimus quoniam in platforma EMAR partium manufacturorum stampionis omnes optimus agentes fieri possunt, et tu non es exemplum!