In the process of using Shenyang laser cutting machine to cut sheet metal, various problems are often encountered. In order to ensure cutting quality, the following are several common problems and common solutions:
1. Cutting and perforation technology:
Any thermal cutting technique, except for a few cases where it can start from the edge of the board, generally requires a small hole to be drilled through the board. Previously, on laser stamping composite machines, a punch was used to punch out a hole first, and then laser was used to start cutting from the small hole. There are two basic methods for piercing laser cutting machines without stamping devices:
Blasting perforation - After continuous laser irradiation, a pit is formed in the core of the material, and then the molten material is quickly removed by an oxygen flow coaxial with the laser beam to form a hole. Dimensio foraminis generis coheretur ad densitatem plateae, et diameter intermediae perforation is blastantis dimidium densitatis plateae est. Tunc, pro plateis debiles, diameter perforationis perforationis blastantis maximus est et non rotundus, et non est adequat ad usum super partes cum requiribus superprocessionis accuracitatis. Non solum in materialibus desertis utilizatur. In addition, due to the same oxygen pressure used for perforation as during cutting, there is a larger splash.
Performatio pulsa - utilizans laser maxima pulsa pulsa ut dissolvet aut vaporizat parva quanta materiae, saepe aere aut nitrogen ut assistis gas utilizat ut diminuat expansionem rupis a causa exothermi oxidation is, et pressione gasolina humilior est quam pressione oxygeni in succidentibus. Each pulse laser only product small particle jets that gradually penetrat deeper, so the perforation time for thick plates takes a few seconds. Cum perforation finita fuerit, statim gasum auxiliarum oxygeno pro succide substitue. In hoc modum, diameter perforation is minor est et perforationis qualitate melior est quam perforationis blastantis. Laser pro hoc non solum excelsam output potentiam habere debet; Mais importantes, temporales et spatiales trabae importantes sunt, ita generale transversae fluctus CO2 lasers non potest satisficere necessitatibus laserorum cutationis. In addition, the pulse perforation requires a reliable path control system to achieve switching of gas types and pressures, as well as control of perforation time.

In case of using pulse perforation, in order to obtain high-quality incisions, the transition technology from pulse perforation when the workpiece is stationary to constant speed continuous cutting of the work piece should be taken seriously. In theory, usus potest conditiones secessionis section is accelerationis variare, sicut longitudo focal, positio nozzle, pressione gasolina, etc., sed in praecepto, possibilia haec conditiones mutare non est probabile a breve tempore. In manu industria, praeceptarior est primum modo variare energiam laser is, specifica in latitudine pulsae variare. Cambiare frequencatem pulsa; Simulae latitudinem pulssae et frequencatem mutant. Rezultat, tertiam effectum çok iyi olacağını gösterir.
2. Analisi deformationis parvulorum holarum (diameter parvulum et platearum densitatem) inter excusionem et processionem:
This is because machine tools (only for high-power laser cutting machines) do not use explosive perforation when processing small holes, but use pulse perforation (soft puncture), which makes the laser energy too concentrated in a small area, burning the non processing area as well, causing deformation of the hole and affecting the processing quality. At this point, we should change the pulse perforation (soft puncture) method to the blasting perforation (ordinary puncture) method in the processing program to solve the problem. For smaller power cutting machines, the opposite is true. When processing small holes, pulse perforation should be adopted to achieve better surface smooth.
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