Laser output power is a parameter directly related to the melting ability of the processed material, and it is necessary to increase the output power according to the requirements of improving the processing ability. Situatio improving processing capabilitates est sicut:
1. Improve the operating speed of laser cutting in Shenyang.
2. Increase the required thickness of the processed sheet metal.
3. Processentes materiales altas reflexibilitates, quales aluminum et coper.
4. Change from short focal length lens to long focal length lens.
5. Posicio focal de superficie objecti processi mutat.

We can determine whether the output energy of the machining conditions used is appropriate based on the cutting surface after machining and the situation of sparks during machining. Quando potentia egressa multo maior est quam valor standard, inflatio thermala circum incisionem crescit et conflatit in angulo. et facti sunt caractores de summo usque ad fundum verticali Si valor output potentiae multo inferior est quam valor standard, inferior parte incision is multo debilior est, fodit in stato. Plus, multa reliquiarum attachatum crescit paululum, difficile facit removi. Mars durante procedura secessionis in reverso direction secessionis progressa relinquetur. Conditiones adequas procedurae procedurae intra quaecum intervallo existunt, et thinner plate a processurae, amplius intervallo conditionum output. Under appropriate output conditions, the cutting surface has fine streams, and the lower part moves slightly slower relative to the speed of light.
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