Sheet metal shell processing is a complex process that may encounter some common problems. Hic sunt problemae commune et solutiones eorum.
1. Deformatio Shell: Pro facile deformatione materiae metallorum folii in processione, forma shell processionis non conformetur. Solutione potest magis stabiliores fixturas in manipulatione utilizar, adequatas metodes frigidae adoptare, et evadere excessive calefactum materiae.
2. Scratching: Scratching is prone to occur during cutting, punching, and other processing of the shell, which affects the surface quality of the shell. Solutione potest angulum instrumenti adjustare, velocitatem et pressionem materiae commutare, aut layer protectiva addere ad area succidentis.
3. Ascendere problema: Ascendere coniuncti punctis potest habere problemas, quales uneven wells, et insufficiens prospere fortitudo. The solution can be to use appropriate welding equipment and processes, improve welding operation techniques, and select more suitable welding materials.
4. Medicina superficie: Meditura superficie pellicis apparentiae et corrosionis resistentiae effecta potest. Common problems include surface oxidation, coating peeling, etc. Solutione potest optimizare faciem tractionis, crescere densitatem et corrosionem resistentiam tractionis superficiis.

5. Dimensionale deviatio: Dimensiones celae post processionem non potest aderire requiribus design, resultant in deviationes. The solution can be to strengthen the measurement and control process, use higher precision processing equipment, adjust processing parameters, etc.
6. Proba sonitus: Certe casings potest sonitum germinare inter utilitatem, produktum effectivitatem affectere. Solution potest addere noise absorbentes materiales, improvine design structures, et reducere friction cum alteris componentibus.
7. Durability issues: The casing used in harsh environments may experience oxidation, corrosion, and other issues that affect its durability. Solutione potest ferre materiales cum bono corrosione resistentia, facire faciem tractionem, et design reasonable protective measures.
8. Securitates issues: Hazardous materials such as solvents and power sources may be involved in the processing of the casing. Solutione potest ferre medios protectionis laboris, securos et religiosus arma et procedentibus adopti, et necessarium curriculum et guidance providere.
9. Environmental issues: Shell processing involves environmental issues such as wastewater and exhaust gas. Solutione potest rationale controlare discargationem aquarum et gasum exhaustorum, equipamenta et procedentia environmentalis accipere, et laborationem et recyclationem solitudinis confortare.
The above is an introduction to common problems and solutions in the process of sheet metal shell processing. During the processing, it is necessary to constantly summarize experience and improve processing technology to ensure the quality and performance of the shell.