Follow the four principles of precision casting and casting processing
In order to ensure the product quality of precision parts during the machining process of precision castings, the machining of precision parts needs to follow four principles. Hodie industria Fujiae in detalio introducet quid sunt haec quattuor principes.
1,Benchmark primum: id est, superficie benchmarki primum machinata est. In processo machinationis mechanicae, apparentia part is quasi benchmarki positionis primum machinata est, providens benchmarkis precisisque pro subsequentibus procedentibus maxime possidentibus.
2,Dividing processing stages: For appearance with high quality requirements in mechanical processing, processing stages can be divided into three stages: rough machining, semi-finished products, and precision machining. Mainly to ensure processing quality. Beneficial for scientific application equipment. Processum calefactionis facile est. In addition, it is easy to detect blank defects and other issues.
3,Face first, hole later: For components such as boxes, brackets, and links, flat surfaces should be machined first, followed by hole machining. So, the machining hole is positioned on the plane to ensure the positional accuracy of the plane and the hole, providing convenience for the machining of holes in the plane.
3, Precision machining: The precision machining of the main appearance, such as grinding, small holes, precision grinding, roller machining, etc., should be placed in the final stage of the process route. Principles general for developing precision component processing procedures can be roughly divided into two stages. First, formulate the process of component processing, determine the process dimensions, equipment and tools used, cutting specifications, and work hour quotas for each process.
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