Precisiones to be taken in the process measures to prevent welding deformation in Sheet Metal Processing in Shenyang:
(1) Choose the appropriate welding sequence. Multa enim componentibus structura conputata sunt et corrigentur componentes separati ante congregationem et conputationem in totum sic minima est deformatio quam congregationem eas in totum primum et tunc conputationem eas And local areas can be installed and welded at the same time, making the operation relatively convenient.
(2) Elegite secundum rationalem benedictionis. Prohibere deformationem benedictionis, robustum benedictionem, retro benedictionem, et simetricam benedictionem in sequentio benedictionis accipietur.
(3) Anti deformation method. It is to give the welded part a deformation direction opposite to that after welding before welding, and after welding, it exactly offsets the deformation of the workpiece before welding.

(4) Methodus fixationis rigidis. Haec methodo valde efficiens est ad reducendum deformationem beneficii.
(5) Elegite appropriate welding methods and standards. Densitatem energiae et introitum calefactionis calefactionis variantur inter diversos modos calefactionis. For thin plates welding, selecting welding methods with high energy density, such as using carbon dioxide gas shield welding and plasma arc welding instead of gas welding and manual arc welding, can reduce welding deformation. Cum aluminium et aluminium alloy structures ferebant, ferebantur gasolina multo maior deformationem quam argon arca ferebantur manus.
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