Aiming at the problem of hidden errors in digital design of sheet metal processing parts in Shenyang, this paper analyzes the errors generated in the modeling process and possible elimination measures, and analyzes the problem of error accumulation in CNC measurement. In addition, the results of the best fit between the measurement point cloud and the surface Z of the part were analyzed, and new criteria for error evaluation were proposed. Per supra mensuras, errores parterum machinationis reddere potest et qualificationem parterum meliora potest.
1. Errores et metodes eliminationis generati cum superficies equidistantes faciant:
Software CATIA ut cum 1 analysemus sumus Procedentes partes metallis folii cum densitate 016mm invenerunt quaedam partes habentes altitudinem 1,021mm, cum differentia 0,005mm. Hoc indicat errorem esse in facie equidistantae superficie ad creandum superficium equidistantum. Ut errores reddere et accuracionem necessitatem esse in ingenieria, primum necessarium est confirm are quod deviatio Z magna superficie offsettionis intra permissionem regionis errorum projecti est. Secundum, quando multi offsetti necessari sunt, si possibile, superficie original is per singulas offsettiones in loco prioris utilizatur.

2. Errores causae a incorrecto selection of measurement benchmarks:
For sheet metal processing parts with CNC Machining, the reserved benchmarks on top are often not design benchmarks. These benchmarks are a processed characteristic in the CNC machining process, and their error relative to the mold design benchmark is the mold machining error. Postquam perfecta est universa processura fusilis propter accumulationem tolerantium, angulos, formas etc. fusilis errorem duplici habent tolerantiam design contra mensuram benchmarki. Assuminating the external tolerance of the part is 0 25mm, mold design tolerance 0 A causa supra, granditudo formae exterioris relative to the measurement reference has become 0.16mm, which can easily create the illusion that the measurement result is out of tolerance for the part.
Reducere errores, benchmarkus mensurae consistet cum benchmarko design. In addition, when measuring the best fit between the point cloud and the surface Z of the part, recording the transformation with the least deviation can also improve the qualification rate of sheet metal processed parts.
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