Quid non standard design mechanical specifica est?
In breve referit to the design of non-standard equipment, non-standard parts, and non-standard fixtures. Exemplo, equipationes such as C616, C620, C630, C6125, M7475, B650, M131, etc. are already known standard equipment in the machining industry. There are still many specialized equipment that have not been included in the standard equipment, which is the work goal of non-standard designers.
Non standard machinery is a type of mechanical product without a definite shape. Generale loquente, in mercato non est disponibile et a fabricatoribus personalizare debet. Machines cum eiusdem functionitate habent dimensiones et formas diversas.
In addition, non standard equipment is also greatly affected by the user's location, and the design of the equipment is often restricted by certain conditions of the user.
Quando non sunt standardi sequi, adhuc standardi sequi ad design institutorum et componentum.