Abnormal noise during CNC Machining may be caused by various reasons, such as loose equipment components, tool wear, spindle motor problems, etc. To solve this problem, the following measures can be taken: 1. First, it is necessary to stop the machine for inspection and determine the source of the abnormal noise. Haec iudicabitur per observationem auditionem et tangendum Si vox abnormal is ex componentibus vasorum liberis venit, necesse est constrinere componentes relevantes firmitatem et fidelitatem suam. 3. Si sonitus abnormal is ex instrumento germinatur, necesse est substituere instrumentum novo aut reparare illum. 4. Si sonitus abnormal is ex problem a motoris spindle, necesse est testare status motoris spindle, inclusive portantes motores, gearis et ceteris partes, ut functionem normam suam pertinent. 5. In addition, it is necessary to check the lubrication system of the equipment to ensure that it receives sufficient lubrication to reduce the occurrence of abnormal noises. Si supra mensurae problemam solvere non possunt, considerare potestis facere inspectionem et custodientem equipationum, aut convocare speciales technicis diagnosticis et reparationis.