Grinding and polishing is a commonly used processing procedure in Sheet Metal Processing in Shenyang, mainly to treat the surface of sheet metal parts. So what are the precautions for polishing and grinding during sheet metal processing? Below, the editor will introduce it to you. Precitates lapidis metallis polishing: oportet maskam protectam (aut clypeum faciem) et oculos in operibus induere.
Prius initio domus, vide si rota pulveris dissipata est, si arma salutem salutem intactum est, et si ventilatio et pulverem transferentia effecta est. Installatione, attention ad gradum tenientiae nucis, quod tetigitur usque ad movendum rotam volantem sine scissore. Quando multiplicantur scyphos tenientes, graduale et evenerunt in ordine diagonale.

Postquam rota grinding installata est, oportet instalare protectum velum ab initio et exercere probam cursum. Rota recta volans quinque minutis vacet. When the grinding wheel rolls, significant vibration is not allowed. When polishing, vacuum equipment should be activated first, and the workpiece should be firmly grasped without excessive force. It is forbidden to use a lever to push the component, and is forbidden to stand before the grinding wheel to operate, in order to prevent the grinding wheel from breaking and injuring people.
Cum duo aut plures homines simul pulserant et pulserant, non licet in aedem directo operari ad invicem praevadere accidentes. et partes concavei et convexionis opus quiescere absque fortitudine excessima et canta et anguli opus non debent esse terrae ut prohibetur rota pulseri et vulnerare populum Post consummationem domus fabricationis extinguere potestatem et rota ferentem cessare antequam relinqueris postem.
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