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Germany and Japan's high-precision production and testing equipment ensure that the precision of metal parts reaches 0.003 tolerance and high quality
Cur tecnologia machinae precision Iaponiae mundum ducere potest? Tracemus originem simul
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Cur tecnologia machinae precision Iaponiae mundum ducere potest? Tracemus originem simul

Release time:2024-12-09     Number of views :

When it comes to global precision machining technology, I believe everyone is familiar with a few countries and regions they know about, such a s Switzerland, Czech Republic, Japan, Germany, etc. Today, let's follow EMAR Precision Technology to see why Japan's precision machining technology can be so advanced, and what are the reasons? Tracemus origin simul:

In Narita regione Iaponiae, restaurantium auriculae vetus est centurio cum mensa ad introitum. Centuas annorum, dominus qui occidit angulos sedebat hic ad occiderem angulos. Ante occiderem angulos, dominus mensam observabit et etiam dux ut mesceret si mensa satis planta est. Quando interrogavit quid, dixit quod si mensa non planta, si mensa non planta, efficiat gustum angulorum.

Multi homines putant hoc modicum exaggerare esse, sed in Iaponia est modus exaggerare et completi opus. Aliquis in cubiculo conferentium in hotele Iaponiae opus faciebat. Quando congregatio erat, iussit principes aliquem tenere regem ut menseret si distancia inter mensam constantem esset, et etiam computare quanta gradus necessaria sunt ambulare a podium ad sellam. Hoc erat vere frustra. Estne necessaria? Responsum ab principio Iaponice est: Certe existit!

Cur tecnologia machinae precision Iaponiae mundum ducere potest? Tracemus originem simul(pic1)

Verumtamen, post hoc spiritum in diversis industriis Iaponiae integratum est, invenietur, quod facti sunt mirabilia. Exemple, in agro machinae precision, Germaniae, Iaponiae et Switzeriae multo tempore supertres in mundo occupaverunt. There is a small factory in Japan with only a dozen people, and their products are very single, which is very familiar to those who like to play mahjong - dice. Because the number of points on each side of a dice is different, its center of gravity is also different. When the dice are rolled, it is impossible to achieve absolute fairness. However, this company has achieved an astonishing accuracy of 9999.9999 per ten thousand. Only this company in the world has mastered the core technology of precision machining.

Okano Industries Co., Ltd. is a small enterprise located in Sumida ku, Tokyo. Founded in 1930, it claims to be the world's largest stamping processing company, with only five employees including Okano's wife and son-in-law. However, it has created a miracle in the world, producing the world's finest syringe needle. When you face the syringe needle, you can hardly see its existence. When the needle works, it only feels like a mosquito bite. In 2017, Callum Hasegawa from Japan released a video that lasted only six seconds and attracted a large number of fans' likes on YouTube. The video featured a metal plate with concave and convex lettering, which could be slowly pressed down to create a smooth surface. What's even more surprising is that the smoothness and lack of cutting gaps on this surface are truly remarkable, showcasing Japan's powerful precision machining technology;

Quomodo fecerunt? Estne machina? No, this is human power. After rough machining by the machine, the skills of the master were demonstrated. Phoenix Net once described how this beneficiary created an absolute flat surface. Master experienced uses a shovel to level the rough machined surface one by one. While producing the required surface, they also make a reference surface and apply color to it. They slide the machined surface on the reference surface. At this point, the parts of the machined surface that are stained with color and the parts that have faded from the photo are the higher parts of the two surfaces, which need to be removed again. This process is repeated until the colors of the two surfaces are completely consistent. At this point, the knife marks left on the surfaces serve as lubrication grooves, killing two birds with one stone.

Cur tecnologia machinae precision Iaponiae mundum ducere potest? Tracemus originem simul(pic2)

Etiam sic, absoluta aeroplane accipere non potest. Magisteris artificibus usus tres aeroplanes faciunt, et si duo aeroplanes similes sunt, consilium est aeroplanem absolutam facere. Sed in hoc agro, familiae terrae Germania, Japonia et Switzeria sunt. Why are these three countries so leading in precision machining? In fact, there is no mystery behind it, only diligence, patience, and continuous polishing of products. Of course, Japan has been learning German craftsmanship since the Meiji Restoration and can be considered a student of Germany in Asia. However, the Japanese people's refined and serious attitude has also made Japan's precision machining technology dominant in the industry;

There is a company in Japan called Bamuda, who designed the earliest square shaped air purifier. After more than 100 tests by the company, they found that the square shape can easily maximize the power of the compressor. We carefully analyzed why Japanese people have a creative spirit, which is closely related to Japan's geography, culture, politics, and vertical relationship. Therefore, without elaborating too much, everyone can go to Baidu. Quid dicam hic est quod maxime importantium machinae precision is Iaponiae attingere nunc nivellum suum est patientiam utilizat ut suam tecnologiam pulserat et transiret super haec technologias;

In diversis terras flores et fructus florebunt. Iaponi populi boni sunt in industria spiritus artificis in detalio subtilis, quod est dignus discere. Cur Iaponia semper facit hominibus pulchritudinem? If we trace back to the bloodless origins, we will find that ancient Greece's appreciation of beauty was the most convincing. For example, ancient Greece had many philosophers who exclaimed that geometric structures were beautiful. In order to create intricate geometric structures, countless polishing processes were required. Today, Japan has significantly inherited this beauty.

Cur tecnologia machinae precision Iaponiae mundum ducere potest? Tracemus originem simul(pic3)

Base on the above analysis, I believe you have already understood the question we raised at the beginning of this article. Adjuncting to the spirit of art, fighting for excellence, pursuing perfection, and hereditating skills, Japan's artwork can lead the world. Shenzhen EMAR Precision Technology focuses on customized processing and mass production of high-precision components. The company has 26 years of experience in precision machining and its products have been applied in multiple fields. The processing techniques it can provide include precision CNC Machining, CNC centering machine machining, cutting machine machining, turning milling composite machining, etc. If you have any related needs, please feel free to call EMAR. We will provide you with comprehensive product solutions and high-quality services.