Planum et designum procedentis stampionis necessarium est pro productione partes stampionis. Based on the analysis of stamping processes, several sets of stamping process plans can be developed. Then, according to the production batch and the existing production conditions of the stamping processing plant, through the induction, analysis, and comparison of various plans, a process plan with the best skill economy can be confirmed.
1. Base on the shape and scale of the stamped parts, begin to confirm the nature of the stamping process, such as punching, bending, deep drawing, bulging, hole expansion, etc.
2. Calculate the degree of deformation of each stamping forming method. Si deformationis gradus excessit gradum deformationis limitis, numerum temporum pulseris illius procedentis calculum est;
3. Organizate rational stamping sequence based on the deformation characteristics and quality requirements of each process. Attention should be paid to ensure that the deformation zone of each process is a weak zone. The already formed parts (including holes or shapes that have already been punched) must not participate in deformation in future processes. Multi angle curved parts should be bent out first and then inside, and necessary auxiliary processes such as shaping, leveling, and heat treatment should be organized; At the premise of ensuring the accuracy of stamping parts, confirm the reasonable process combination method according to the production batch and empty positioning and discharge requirements.
5. Stamping processing plants need to design two or more process plans and compare them from various aspects such as quality, cost, production rate, mold grinding and maintenance, mold lifespan, and operational safety, in order to select the best process plan;
6. Cum constituere arma pulchritudinis per singulos procedentibus.
Videtur quod plana procedentis stampionis independentem exercere non potest, quod facit systematicam et complexam apparere. Planus interpunctionis est coniunctionem et organizationem diversorum procedentium quae necessaria sunt ad processandum partes stampionis. Est significatio eius bene cognoscata. Planus bonae stampionis est substantiam garantiam qualification is produktorum et factorem importantem in superlimento plantationum processionis.
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