Shenzhen EMAR Precision Technology Co., Ltd. is a professional manufacturer dedicated to the processing of lock core precision parts. The company has more than 100 CNC equipment specifically used for lock core processing, including CNC walking machines, cutting machines, turning milling composite machining centers, and CNC Machining centers, providing customized processing and mass production of lock core precision parts for you. I believe that everyone in life will use locks to protect their belongings, but many friends are confused when choosing which lock or lock core to use. Today, i EMAR Precision Technology will provide a detailed explanation of the knowledge about lock core grades and how to choose lock cores by reviewing a large amount of information.
In fact, many people are unaware that lock cylinders are classified in different levels, just like how many people are not familiar with the A, B, C and D levels of anti-theft doors. Solo intellegimus quando pilam egemus et intellegimus quia cylindrum clausum graditum est et difficilem distinguere. Currente gradi cylindri in mercato quasi in nivel A, nivel B, nivel B, nivel C, nivel C, nivel C, nivel D, et cetera. Origina eorum usque ad 1994 potest tractare quando terra emissa est standard mechanical anti-theft loca, quam clarificavit sercula A-grade et B-grade loca. Prima constrainta est quod sercula A-grade plus quam 1 minuta requirunt aperire cum technologia anti-loca, i et sercula B-grade plus quam 5 minutas requirunt aperire cum technologia anti-loca. Ut dicit, secundum normas nacionales, nunc tantum duo typos locorum sunt in marketo: A-grade et B-grade. Differentia maxima inter eos est tempus, quando anti-loco technologia activata est, quam speciosus stilus.
So, what about those super class B and C-class locks? Ecce, in addition to national standards, lock manufacturers also develop their own enterprise standards. Baidu explained the meaning of "enterprise standards", which are formulated by the enterprise and approved and published by the legal representative or authorized supervisor of the enterprise. That is to say, these standards that exceed B and C level s may seem higher than the national standards of A and B levels, but in reality, they are a behavior formulated by enterprises without authorization. Each enterprise‘s level standards may be different, which is why there is today‘s chaotic market situation of lock cylinder levels, and even a few manufacturers have already marked lock cylinder levels as D and E.
So we remember consumers that when choosing lock s, they should not only look at the grade on the lock core packaging, nor should they only listen to the vendor‘s introduction. Below is a brief introduction on how to distinguish the types of lock cylinders and choose the appropriate lock cylinder correctly.
1. Lingua singula serra marmor, commonly known as A-level lock
This type of lock uses a marble structure, or usually consisting of 7 marbles, so there are approximately 7 dots of varying depths on the key. These dots have evolved from the original serrated structure and have a very simple structure. Sit aperire directo per arcam locationis aut celeriter utilizantem instrumentum de foil dislocationis (aperiere potest cum needle in cinematographicis et televisionis emissionibus, et aliquid emissiones variae habent similes features). Est basically a locksmith locksmith ad praeceptum, cum pretio mercationis circa 40 yuan et pretio Taobao circa 15 yuan. Hic typus serpentis malissimus et simplex est, et multae noves domus in habitaculis sunt standard cum illo. Multae antifurtissimus ostium fabricatores etiam hoc serpentem ad salvare costas utilint, qu Et semel duxerunt ad partem supermarketis pro hoc typo serpentes. Tin foil unlocking tools are the most skilled at opening this lock, which can be opened without damage in just a few seconds. Therefore, it belongs to the A-level lock in the national standard. Si adhuc hoc clausum domi utilizatis, recommendum est replace illum quibus possit pro aliquid ratione. Alii cordi clausus sunt qui aequalem nomini sunt quasi clausus A-level.
2. Lingua duobula sermo marmor, saepe cognoscitur B gradus
Hic typus serpentis, commonly known as B-grade, is based on A-grade by adding marbles to achieve double row. The principle is similar to A-grade, but a result of the increase in marbles, the technical unlocking difficulty will be greater and the opening and use time will be longer. Ianua Panpan securitas erat diversa typa serpentis huius structurae, cum pretio marketae circa 80 yuan. Novissimus instrumentum fertilibus fertilibus fertilibus develovit separatum molum pro hoc typo serpentis, quod velocem aperire potest, et arma clavis potest etiam hanc serpentem aperire sine damno. Si possibile, recommendatum est upgrade et replace illum. Tempus unlockationis technica maior est quam quinque minutas, qu æ B-level loco est in nacionale standard.
3. Lingua duobula+blada commonly known as Super B-class
@000 maxime meliora nivellum securitatis original is structurae pilae. Etiam nunc, adhuc fracta est et aperta per semi-violentes methodos, sed hoc typus serpentis propter defectum est propter complexitatem suam. Magnum illum est primum utilizationem sculptilis in locis civilis, sed malitiam est quod sculptilis structura nimis pauca et infirma est. mercatus est circa 80 yuan, Taobao circa 40 yuan. If you are using this lock and the security situation in the community is good, you can continue to use it without any major safety issues. A causa upgrade of blade slots based on B-level, it is called a super-B-level lock in the industry. Notum est quod "Super B nivel" est standard enterprise, quod est B nivel in standard nacionale, But in principio no sic dicit.
4. Full blade lock commonly known as C-grade
Hodie, maximus serpentium, qui C-nivel serpentes possunt fieri, plena sunt structura, sed et pauci parvi productores, qui duobus lineis marmoribus et blades utilizant, ut illos notant quasi C-nivel. So when we judge whether he is a C level, we must look at the key. The blade is the one with full milling grooves. Hoc typus serpentis nondum multa problema habet cum apertura antiloco technologia. mercatus est circa 100 yuan, et circa 70 yuan Taobao est. We can see that this type of lock is basically not related to Super B level, so the manufacturer calls it C level. In fact, we can see that the enterprise standard is calculated by generation, and once the technology is upgraded, the level is raised once, i which is different from the initial national standard anti-theft time. It actually belongs to B level in the national labelling. Therefore many consumers are confused about the level of the lock cylinder.
5. Other commonly known as C+level or higher
This type of lock mostly adds anti-theft function on the basis of blade locks, and commonly includes the addition of steel beams and all stainless steel blade cores. This design is designed to prevent violent interruptions. Although C-grade blade locks are technically powerful, they are not much different from ordinary lock cores in terms of resistance to violence. Secundo, est corda clausus cum inactivo functione qui resistere potest violentiam damnationem de fluctubus electricas et elevare potestatem prohibere apertura technica, quod nunc est unus ex optimis technologibus. Alii loci quoque alteraverunt stilum dentium clavi, alteraverunt materiam manus clavi, substituerunt packaging box lignis carvinis, auro plateatum clavem, i et alii modi elevare sententiam clavi cordis altissimi, sine vero improvissent antifurtum functionem clavi.
So, as consumers, how should we choose the lock cylinder that suits us?
Si adhuc pinball locum utilizatis, sive est dupla linea aut singula linea, est vere tempus upgradere. Sugerit minimo ut utilizat lapidem locum funiculus cum clave completa curvata. Quibus habent praecepta superiora pro anti-furto, sicut qui ante furati sunt et timent fures iterum venientes, potent elegere cores locorum cum idle, trabe steel a, et plena steela. Quando anti-loco technologia non multo meliora est, hoc typus loci vere fortior in resistentibus violentibus detrimentibus et dislocationibus, et anti-furtum exercitus melior erit. Consumers should choose appropriate lock cores based on their family situation and community security, i and not blindly follow sales recommendations. Pro determinare antifurtum effectum cylindri clavi iudicabit illum in forma clavi et substantiam cylindri clavi. Nolite seduci per aspectum eius aut packaginem.
Quid de hoc, cogitatis de qua nivello cylindri serpentis utilis nunc? Credo tibi novam intellegentiam corum locorum accepisse. Si habes opus ad precision machina locorum cordis, gratis vocare EMAR Precision Technology. dedicati sumus servire tibi.