Sheet metalla parts are a common type of component that can be applied in various fields. Its processing technology usually includes welding and laser cutting, and it has the advantages of light weight, good hardness, and high precision. Generally speaking, the thickness of Sheet Metal Processing is within 6mm. According to various processing techniques, it is processed in various specifications of components. When cold work is applied to sheet metal parts, the thickness of the structural parts can be changed to a more stable thickness. Certe, diversa typa metallis fabricatorum elegere sunt pro diversis necessitatibus metallorum fabricationis folii. Infra, Guermei adsumet vos ut intellegat materiales usus utilitas in fabricatione metallorum.

Customized sheet metal shell
In general, materiales used for sheet metal processing mainly include stainless steel plates, galvanized steel plates, aluminum and other raw materials. Various sheets materials require different processing techniques and are used in different ways.
1,Stainless steel profiles.
(1) Cold rolled steel plate. It is a sheet metal that is processed by controlling the temperature, lowering it below the recrystallization temperature, and then rolling it thin. In metallo metallo quod frigidum processus est. Superficie eius relativamente lenta est et habet folia uniform a densitatem, facile faciens facile faciendum. Potet pallio aut electroplate coagere, cum expanderet amplius folia.
(2) Hot rolled steel plate: This plate processing method involves processing the initially rolled or cast slab, heating it, and then removing phosphorus to form a rough rolled steel plate. In general, est malis deviatio in densitate platearum caloris caloris, et pulsatio angularum potest occurrere in processione particula.
2,Galvanized steel plate. Platae galvanisatae pelliculae usus super superficiem plateae galvanisatae sunt. In general, densitate layer galvanizatae super plateam steelae decem constituetur μ Above m, this can prevent damage such as rust on the surface of the board.

Productor of chassis and cabinet
3, Aluminium sheet, usually processed on its surface, can also undergo chemical and conductive oxidation treatments, and is widely used in the production of chassis and cabinet casings.
Ex supra sunt materiae usus ad fabricationem metallis. Process metallis lapidium pro variis chassis et casings cabinetis variatur, ita cum partibus metallis lapidibus processerimus, opus est ut elegeremus based on our specific application situation.