In order to meet market demand, improve labor efficiency, increase employee income, and enhance company efficiency, based on the principles of distribution according to work, more work, more benefits, efficiency priority, and fairness, combined with the actual situation of the company, this rule is formulated. Purpose: Deducere laboribus bonis actione et exhortare omnes difficilior et melioribus operibus.
1、 Applicable objects
CNC punching machine, CNC bending processing.
1. The workshop supervisor should allocate work tasks reasonably and impartially based on the difficulty level of product processing content, equipment condition, and the actual operational level of operators. At the same time, they should explain quality priorities and processing precautions to operators.
2. Operatores in officio suo constrainentur secundum dies et menses opus ad consummationem productionem quantum praepositum est praepositor.
3. For excess (relative to other teams, relative to production tasks) completed, settlement will be made in the form of performance-based pay, with no upper limit and encouragement for more work.
Metodo computationis salaris based in exercitu:
1. Preces universis machinae punching CNC per horam est 13.00 yuan.
2. Prius universae fermenti CNC est 13,50 yuan per horam.
3. Convert the daily excess into working hours and implement monthly accumulation.
4. Monthly performance-based salary=accumulated working hours * unit price per hour.
3,Workpiece quality
1. Omnes fracta fracta fracta est eiusdem plagam probationis ad fracta fracta ferendum est. Post priorem partem opera, a superior et qualitate inspectionis personelis confirmatum est, et signatum est qualificatum ante processionem. In processione, operator operandum operationes correspondentes inspectionis ad frequencatem singulorum 20 batarum opus est.
2. Exemplares, quas ab inspectoribus qualitatis signati sunt et confirmati sunt, separati sunt, et omnes defectus qualitatis, qui occurrant in processione, responsabilitatem operatorum est.
3. After signing their name and date, the report is the settlement voucher for performance, and it is submitted to the supervisor at the end of the day's work. After the material registration is returned daily, it is submitted to the management department for review, audit, and the management department will audit and calculate the salary.
4. Compensatio solum potest postquam qualitate operae determinata est qualificare per temptationem.
5. Produktos, qui defedunt inspectionem, secundum diversas situationes manipulabuntur:
(1) If the workpiece is found to be unqualified and needs to be repaired, the operator shall be responsible for the repair, and the cost of repair shall be borne by the operator. The completion time shall not be settled.
(2) 2% non aedificationis non aedificationis non aedificationis aedificabitur in usum operum et lacum.quantum produktorum defectorum et inspectorium qualitatis et operatorem portabitur). Base on the scrap form issued by the sheet metal workshop, signed by the quality inspection personnel and confirmed by the supervisors at all levels, the statistics personnel will summarize and submit it to the management department at the end of the month. The operator and quality inspection personnel will compensate for the amount and deduct it from their monthly salary.
(3) For products that fail quality inspection, a limit of 5 yuan per batch shall be applied. The quality inspector shall indicate NG or to be repaired in the report and issue a non-conforming product disposal form. After being summarized by the statistical personnel, it shall be deducted from the monthly performance salary of the operator.
(4) Operator non est responsabilis pro aliquid defectum aut scrapping causam errorum in drawingibus procedentibus.
(5) Pro prodigibus, quorum a novissimis procedentibus aut aliis, a facibus defectis, qualitate inspectionis, a quinquam procentis aedificationis aut scrappa responsabilitatis, et a communicationis aedificationis, et a communicationis aedificationis, et a communicationis aedificationis, a communicationis, a communicationis, et quinquam procentis aedificationis aut scrappa responsabilitatis, et a communicationis aedificationis, et ipsa summis, duo unibus quos mentiona sunt; pro batch defectis scrappebatur, omnem compensationem, omnim compensationis, et omnis reponsabilitatis tion for scrapping amounts less than or equal to 1000 yuan, 50% of the compensation for raw materials greater than 1000 but less than 4000 yuan, and the production unit proposes the scrapping amount and penalty for those exceeding 4000 yuan. The company decides the penalty amount.
(6) Produktos defectos tracibiles portabunt a partibus, et summa reparationis et scrappationis compensabuntur in quaeculo proportione. Produktos qui non sunt tracibiles, summa reparationis et scrappationis aequalem dividetur a persone operationis et deducetur a montanis distributionis.
(7) A certain amount of normal loss is allowed for different batches of products without deducting any fees.
4,Implementation Responsibility
1. Workshop staff and operators must comply with existing production management rules and regulations. In order to promote performance-based pay and ensure its implementation, they should each perform their own duties and duties according to their respective requirements, while also ensuring the 7S of their work area and implementing safe, civilized, and clean production.
2. Operators operate and process according to technical requirements such as production reports, calibrated workpiece content, inherent quality, and work instructions.
3. Raportum manum puram et claram habere debet, bene utilizat, et data transmissima opus non altera debet. Si propter rationes mutata est, date signaturae personae qui eam mutavit, alioquin non est valida. Operatores vero impleantur productiones reportos. Pro fraudulente agente, punctum 100 iuonis per occursum impleatur, et mercedem fraudulentium pro die non computabitur. Repetiti delicti duplices punctus dabuntur, et qualificationes eius revocabuntur.
4. Novi mercennarii reddentur secundum praecepta horatis mercennarii et praecepta praecepta Post tres mensibus probationis tempus expiret et transierit aestimationem exempletur secundum regulas.
5、 Salary guarantee
Efficientia post exercitum multo meliora est. In productione situatione, ubi ordines metallorum saturati sunt, velocitas fermentari fermentari non potest sustinere cum productivitate efficientia CNC punching machinarum et shearing. Pro hoc, CNC punching potest apparere in state expectationis opus. Stoga, based on the technical level of CNC punching, a guaranteed salary will be issued.
Performatio personnel tantum salarium garantium accipire potest, quando produktio illius velocitatem processionis non potest, et ipsi firme opus praepositionis praepositionis observare debent.
2. Performatio personāle, qui ad alias workshops ad auxilium et supertempus, propter minorem opus in hoc workshop, praedabitur secundum praedam suam guaranteam plus praedam suam supertempus (quam operator auxiliari).
3. In productivitate, pro hominibus qui fraudulentur, abstulerunt, et non cooperantur cum productione, minimum salarium cancelabitur.
4. Minimum standard payment salarii:
a. Experientes in punching CNC, capable of processing various parts, and prioritizing difficult sample products. Resolutely obeying superior management with a guaranteed salary of 2500 yuan.
b. Having some experience in CNC punching, proficient in processing various parts of the company, actively cooperating with work, with a guaranteed salary of 2300 yuan.
c. Those who have grown up in our company and have some experience in CNC punching, and have worked in CNC punching for less than a year, have a guaranteed salary of 2000 yuan.
6, . Pro productione produktorum exemplorum, quoniam nova produkcija est, qui praecepit superiores scientias tehnicas ab operatoribus, correspondentes compensationes salarii dabitur based on the difficulty level and the attitude of employees towards work. For those who work seriously, the salary compensation will be equal to that of the sample personnel and the performance personnel of the day. If two machines sample at the same time, the performance salary of the previous day will be used as the benchmark.
7 , Rewards
1. Full attendance bonus of 100 yuan, excluding sick leave, marriage leave, and funeral leave;
2. Employee performance based pay is equal to the unit price of working hours multiplied by the excess quantity plus the overtime bonus:
3. Ut plus opus consolaretur, plus mercedem et amplificaretur dissipatio in operibus operibus, aliquando mercedem reddet operibus, qui praeter horas operantibus suis sunt.
1) Employees who have accumulated 227-239 working hours in the current month will receive a bonus of 100 yuan each time;
2) Employees who have accumulated 239-251 working hours in the current month will receive a bonus of 300 yuan each time;
3) Employees who have accumulated 251 or more working hours in the current month will receive a bonus of 600 yuan each time;
4) Employees are only allowed to take 2 days off, exceeding which is considered as absenteeism, except for temporary overtime arrangements.