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Zdieľanie výrobných a spracovateľských metód pre strojové centrá CNC päť osí
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Zdieľanie výrobných a spracovateľských metód pre strojové centrá CNC päť osí

Čas uvoľnenia:2024-11-28     Počet názorov :

The five axis CNC Machining center is suitable for manufacturing and processing body parts, fan impellers, and other components with free-form surfaces. We can find that products suitable for manufacturing and processing with five axis machining centers have a high degree of curvature, and it is difficult to manufacture and process them according to the characteristics of one clamping. Therefore, five axis machine tools can carry out manufacturing and processing on different sides of the product without changing the orientation of the product on the machine tool, improving the manufacturing and processing power of prismatic parts.

A five axis CNC machining center has three moving axes of X, Y, and Z, as well as any two rotating axes. Compared to traditional three-axis machining, the five axis linkage technology of a five axis linkage machining center allows the tool to be positioned in five degrees of freedom when manufacturing products with relatively messy three-dimensional geometries. Many friends in the professional field have a question about understanding the five axis machining center, thinking that it is based on the three-axis machining center and adds two rotating axes. These two rotation axes first stabilize the cutting tool in an inclined position, and then move and manufacture it through the feed axes X, Y, and Z.

Podobné výrobné a spracovateľské metódy sa skutočne domnievajú, že štvrtá a piata osi sa používajú na určenie smeru nástroja v stabilnej orientácii, a nie v nepretržitej prevádzke počas strojového procesu. Toto preto nie je skutočná technológia prepojenia piatich os. 3+2-os strojové stredisko môže prispôsobiť výrobným procesom, ktoré bežné strojové strediská nemôžu dokončiť, ale toto nie je tiež skutočné 5-os strojové stredisko.

A real five axis machining center has a tool point following function, which can ensure that the cutting point of the tool and the surface of the part touch without changing the basic parameters, avoiding the occurrence of cutting pits. During the entire process of movement, the direction of the tool can be optimized, while the tool moves in a straight line. In this way, suitable cutting conditions can be maintained throughout all pathways. Five axis machining center is currently a very useful equipment for manufacturing and processing heterojunctions, boxes, and cluttered cavities. It has a significant impact on precision instruments, automotive equipment, high-precision medical equipment, and other fields.