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İyi kesme sonuçlarına ulaşmak için lazer kesme makinesini nasıl kullanabilir?
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İyi kesme sonuçlarına ulaşmak için lazer kesme makinesini nasıl kullanabilir?

Serbest zamanı:2024-11-28     Görüntülerin sayısı :

Laser cutting machines have very good cutting effects, with obvious advantages in flexible processing compared to traditional cutting, saving time and manpower, and being efficient and high-precision. Due to the increasingly widespread use of metal laser cutting machines, they are being applied in industries such as Sheet Metal Processing, aviation, electronics, electrical appliances, and kitchenware. Below, the editor will introduce how to use a laser cutting machine to achieve good cutting results.

1. The cooling system needs to be grounded, and the water tank and waterway should be cleaned regularly. The temperature control point of the refrigeration temperature control water tank should be fair, otherwise it will cause easy damage to the laser tube, decrease in condensation power, detachment of the cold water head of the tube, greatly shorten the service life, and sometimes fail to work, resulting in continuous tube replacement.

2. Laser kesme makinesinin laser tüpünün kurulma destek noktası mantıklı olmalı ve destek noktası lazer tüpünün toplam uzunluğunun 1/4'inde olmalı. Yoksa lazer tüpü noktası modunun kötüleşmesini sağlayacak ve birkaç süre çalışma noktası birkaç nokta olmasına sebep olur. Bu noktada ihtiyaçları yerine getirmeyen lazer gücünün azalmasına sebep olur.

3. Su koruması düzenli olarak kontrol edilmeli ve temizlenmeli. Soğuk su sık sık sık sık suyu koruması sıkıştırıcı değiştirmez ya da su koruması sıkıştırılmaz. Kısa devre metodları acil sorunları çözmek için kullanılmamalı.

İyi kesme sonuçlarına ulaşmak için lazer kesme makinesini nasıl kullanabilir?(pic1)

4. The suction device should be checked and cleaned regularly, and the fan ducts should be cleaned thoroughly Otherwise, a lot of smoke and dust cannot be discharged, severely and quickly polluting the lenses and laser tubes, causing easy oxidation of various mechanical and electronic components and poor contact.

5. Focus lens and reflector inspection, after working for a while, the frame will have a fever, and the surface of the lens will change color and rust; Peeling and cracking are all objects that need to be replaced, especially for many customers who use large air pumps and compressors, which quickly accumulate water on the focusing lens. Therefore, it is necessary to check the cleanliness and quality of the lens optical path system on time.

6. The working environment of the laser cutting machine should not be too harsh. If the ambient temperature is above 30 degrees and below 18 degrees, there will be too much dust and severe air pollution, which will severely damage the machine and increase the failure rate; Electrical components are prone to problems in humid environments.

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