Five axis CNC Machining can produce small parts with extreme precision and easily repeat production, making cars efficient and easy to sell in the market. Due to the implementation of five axis CNC machining in the production process, the company is now able to meet the huge growth in customer demand for sedans.
Due to the chaotic and precise requirements of the sedan industry, multi axle production is a necessary condition for meeting the demand for sedan parts. To prevent various machine settings, five axis CNC machining is essential. With multi axis production, a machine can easily create cluttered geometric shapes through different axes.
Five axis CNC machining for car machining allows the machine to maintain tangency with the workpiece and quickly cut multiple axes. Although the initial setup cost of this system is higher compared to single axis five axis CNC machining settings, in the long run, it has the advantages of shorter turnaround time and high-precision cutting.
1. Car parts
Five axis CNC machining is now a widely used method in car manufacturing and has been widely implemented in some basic elements of different cars. Some of them are;
2. Transmission
The gearbox is a crucial transmission system in a sedan. The gearbox ensures that the engine's power is transmitted correctly and effectively to the wheels. Now, all gears and shafts in the gearbox are precisely manufactured by CNC machine tools. Different CNC technologies, such as milling, turning, and surface grinding, ensure that the shafts and gears inside the gearbox are secure, precise, and transmit power in a more effective way.
3. Drive axle
The drive axle is also an important transmission organization that transfers power from the gearbox and engine to the wheels. The two primary hypoid gears in the drive axle must be machined using five axis CNC machining to provide a high level of accuracy. The five axis CNC machining machine also processes bevel gears in the differential to provide smooth driving and stability.
4. Headlights and Backlights
Many car manufacturers have proposed messy headlight and backlight designs, and there is no other production method besides five axis CNC machining that can be a better match. Due to the ability to carve intricate shapes from solid blocks without layer lines, manufacturers can consider headlights and taillights to have clear and smooth shapes that achieve excellent light transmission.