Emma Technology Co., Ltd. is one of the leading professional manufacturers of precision metal parts in China, established in 2006. It mainly undertakes business such as CNC Machining parts, metal stamping parts, and sheet metal processing.
The intelligent manufacturing demonstration factory has been rated as a unit for the unveiling of intelligent manufacturing demonstration factories. די קאַנסאַנטשאַנאַלישע אַלומינישע טעקעס װאָס זי פֿאָרמירט זײַנען עקספּאָרטירט глобально.
Domestic aluminum plate products usually have a length and width of 1 * 2m/1.5 * 3m/1.22 * 2.44m/1.25 * 2.5m. פֿאַראײגן טיפֿקײט Mingtai Aluminum mainly orders regular aluminum plates and strips, with some popular alloy grades including 1060/3003/3104/5052/5083/5754/6061/6063 as auxiliary spot goods.
דאָמעסט הויפט ברענד אַלומיניum פּאָדוציעס, קאָפּ צען אַלומיניum פּאָדוציעס און סטרייפּן פּאָדוציעס, און כינעזיש אַלומיניum אַלומיניum אַלומיניum פּאָדוציעס און סטרייפּן פּאָדוציאַנט. דער האַרץ־ראָולי אַלו